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sometimes you work hard to press into Gods plans, but other times it's like the fish jumps into the boat. That's what happened to us today.

it was day 2 of tourist activity, or that's how it felt anyway. Xave and I had plans to go to Kid City in town, which is a 10 storey kids games building- kinda dream land for kids I think. But first we had breakfast and a swim at home base. Breakfast has been a tricky affair for both Xave and I, but mainly Xave. He is used to toast r cereal, but the menu in our local is fried rice or wonton soup. It has been a learning process, and breakfast this morning took a little longer than usual. We got to the pool at around 10.

I heard this older couple discussing the loud noises being broadcast in the distance, and she said the word "Christian" in there. I snooped a little more, no eventually spoke to them and found out they live in the apartment section of our hotel. I asked, casually, "what are you doing here" and she said that they were Christians working with an organisation that fights child slavery.


wow! Gods timing meant that our late start and choice to swim put us right in the path of some of the very people we were here to meet. We are having breakfast with them on Monday and we will ask about their organisation Agape. Until then they have solved Xaves breakfast dilemmas by giving us some cereal and milk. God you are very kind, we love being inside your plans and favoured by you

"delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart" Psalm 37


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