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Alpha, 16 days out


Wow that's a huge pic of Bear!

Now that we are all over that, let me tell you why he is there. Bear Grylls is the 2017 Ambassador for Alpha international. As well as being an adventurer and general freak of nature (and of nature!), Bear has a faith in Jesus. And Alpha helped him to build on his own questions and make up his mind to follow Jesus. If you'd like to watch a bit more video of Bear talking about faith an Alpha, follow this link.

Now I do really love Bear Grylls, but that is not the reason Church on the Hill are doing Alpha. We have done Alpha once before, in 2013. And it seemed a good time to do it agai. Here are the details in brief:

Sundays at 3pm

Begins May 11th with a taste test dinner

Actually begins Sunday May 21st

Contact for more info or to make sure you are part of the crew.

Here is really what turned our hearts on doing Alpha

1. It is great teaching from Nicky Gumbel about the Christian faith. After a lot of years learning about Jesus, I still learn things by watching Alpha

2. It is an open ended space. You can ask anything in Alpha.

3. There are a lot of people either in our church or near it who have questions which Alpha can help answer, or faith which could be ignited through Alpha.

If you're reading this and still curious or interested, come along to the dinner next Thursday (let us know so you get fed!). Hear some things, see some things, make up your mind after that. Also drop me a line if you want to find out any more. We are hoping this is going to be a really significant time for our church and surrounding community.


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