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A Raw Day


we were all set to meet Troy Roberts from Raw Impact today at a cafe called Jars of Clay. We met someone who said this was their favourite cafe in PP. thank you Pchum Ben! Cafe closed, but we still met up with Troy and his team.

he took us to an island just off the coast which he calls Gunty's Island, after his pastor friend who lives there. They have just opened a school there, and it looks amazing...again You will have to wait for pics sorry! The school is already full with enrolments, it is a very needy area with very little good education available. They are working in areas of safe housing, helping people with agriculture projects and work, and even a little hydroponic veggie cultivation (I got some photos for you Robbo). We loved our day with them.

I also was able to find a home for a gift given to us by the Pope family. I have been keeping my eye out, but all the families I have had contact with Re too big! But our tuk tuk driver today became he object of blessing. I asked him how many kids he had, and he said 2 boys about Xaves age (I know, close but not exactly right, sorry Sharee!). So I showed him a pic of he Pope family and blessed him on his way. I wonder if this is a little picture of life with Jesus: we carry in our bags (or hearts) a gift of blessing from Jesus, and we keep our eyes out for the person to give it to. We are surely blessed to be a blessing.


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