today was going to be our day off after a big Sunday. But Sunday ended up being not so big and Monday a little bigger I guess!
the main reason for that is a Cambodian Holiday called Pchum Ben - the festival of the dead. Yeah pretty gruesome sounding hey! But it's not like zombie celebration day, it's a different sort of spiritual danger really. It's about respecting relatives who have died before (all good so far) and offering sacrifices of different sorts to appease the spirits of the dead. This is my understanding of it anyway, sorry if I have gotten it wrong. This is the superstitious underbelly of Buddhism over here, not very Richard Gere methinks!
anyway, one big part of Pchum Ben is that the city empties, it's crazy. People return to their homelands and the city kinda shuts for a week. There are still things going on, but for a busy city it is very quiet at the moment.
So so today we met again with Koy and Reny from Light Church, which was beautiful. And also with Keith and Jan from Agape. Y can find out more about Agape at, or Google search "CNN A day in Cambodia". This second video is not for kids by the way, just so you know. But it highlights the muddier end of what we are coming here to ask questions about. How do you link in with this? How do you help as a small group of people? What is really needed?
i have been reminded recently that we, little Church on the Hill, little Ty and Xave, are not the lynch pin in this situation. We are not the hero. It is helpful as a Westerner to remember that. We are not the knight in shining armour coming to rescue the Cambodian princess and lead her to victory. But as Gods people we know who is. We know that Jesus when he came was our redeemer. He bought us back at great cost. And we join with him in this. There is a great organisation in this region called "Chab Dai" holding hands is what the phrase means. I believe that as we Chab Dai with Jesus, go with him in this adventure and give ourselves to that, we will be part of the blessing. Please be in prayer for this, it is all too much for one person to carry.
we love you all, look forward to sharing in person soon
xx Ty and Xave
p.s of all places to have your first time Ice skating- Xave had his debut today, and did a great job. I learnt a bit too.