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5 Values we want you to “catch”

1. We value the presence of God: In short, we do not just want to be on a quest for information about God, we want to be on a quest for God. In the Bible we hear about God being with His people. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit -God dwelling with and in us - to His disciples when He ascended to heaven. So as a church, we aspire to cultivate practices of being aware of God’s presence in our everyday lives, as well as during our shared worship time.

2: You can belong before you believe: The only requirements for coming to Church on the Hill are wanting to come and an openness to discussing Jesus as our spiritual home. We welcome any spiritually homeless person to come and journey with us as we learn about Jesus together. We do not require you to believe in the truths of the Bible to join with us, or “clean up” in order to be a part of Church on the Hill.

3: We are Jesus destined: Our church exists to provide a home for spiritually homeless people. Church on the Hill is a community where we want to journey together as we discover God and the life He has for us. But we are not nomads - we know the destination we want to reach. Jesus, as revealed in the Bible, is the truth we seek. His life, death and resurrection are key to our ethos as a church.

4: Recognise your gifts & bless others with them: We believe that church is not a spectator sport but a movement in which everyone can participate. God has blessed us all with gifts with which to build His kingdom and as such we want to be a community who both recognise and use these gifts to do His work in Gloucester and further afield. We want our Spirit-filled presence in this world to make a difference.

5. Honest prayer is powerful: Prayer is not just another task to be completed in a busy day. It is a time when we share a personal relationship with God. We want to foster a church environment where people pray intentionally for one another. We recognise that everyone has a different starting point and that some people may find this a challenging process to start. Nevertheless, we will encourage everyone to find their voice in prayer, in an honest and real way. When we pray, we expect God to show His power and whether we are praying individually or together, we will learn to listen to God the Holy Spirit.

here is a pdf version of those values

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