Church on the Hill
Church on the Hill
A Contagiously Beautiful Life in Jesus

Some links we like and think are worth checking out

Simple Church and running a kids program are not usually compatible.
But we just happen to have a large percentage of our church being under the age of 12, so we are walking the journey of being a church who celebrates "together" and "apart".
One of our church core values is that everyone should use their gifts. Everyone. So for us kids are not believers in the making...they are believers. We value their part in our teaching AND learning, so we teach them and we learn from them.
But the way children learn is often different to the way adults do, so we are on the journey of helping them to navigate the sometimes slippery stones of faith as they grow. We experiment with prayer stations, games, songs, memory verses, stories and hands on activity in our goal of helping kids become contagiously beautiful in Jesus.
Have a look through some of our links to see who has helped and guided us along the way.